Saturday, October 9, 2010

Anne of Green Gables Tea Party!

Here are some old fashioned pictures that we took from my tea party.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Feed My Starving Children

Nappanee Missionary Church held a program called Feed My Starving Children. An organization that provides meals for millions of starving children in 60 different countries. They travel around to different churches making meals for these kids. The picture above is of all the volunteers. In less than 24 hours we made over 300,000 meals, which provides around 830 kids with 1 meal a day for a year! And that is only one church!!! The meal packets contain chicken powder, vegetables, soy, and rice. We were on the last shift of the two days. It was so amazing to see and be a part of all that!
Here is a blurry picture of me and my friend weighing the food packets.
And here is Ike measuring the Rice and Soy.

If you would like to know more about Feed My Starving Children type in:

Interesting Fact: It only costs $0.19 for a meal through Feed My Starving Children.