Monday, May 16, 2011

Being silly in the RV!

Cal, Maggie, and Jed with some "pillow pets"!

Antietam Battle Field

We stopped at Harper's Ferry and Antietam Battle Field on our way to the CHAP convention. Here are some pictures of Antietam!

Burnside Bridge
Burnside Bridge again.

Bloody lane

The Bad Lands!

While traveling through South Dakota, we stopped at Bad Lands National Park, Wall Drug, and Mt. Rushmore all in the same day! I only have pictures of the Bad Lands though because I couldn't get my camera to work during the other two. :(

It was soooo beautiful!
Some Mountain Goats we saw!!! There is two but one is hard to see.

Ben taking pictures on his phone with all the scenery behind him!

"The Heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands."

Psalm 19:1