Friday, December 30, 2011

Daniel & Jackie: 12/27/11

Two days after Christmas, my cousin Daniel married Jackie! The wedding and reception were so much fun! I didn't get any pictures from the actual wedding but here are some from the reception.
My cousins Grace, Elizabeth, and Kristen
{Flower girls}

More of my cousins, Hannah, Bethany, and Rebecca. Cal was the only little boy at the "girls" table, he loved the cotton candy!

Anna, the third flower girl, twirling on the dance floor!

The pretty table setting.

Ben was one of the ushers at the wedding.

Thursday, December 1, 2011


We had a regular winter storm a few days ago!!! I know this isn't the first snow...but it was prettier...and more interesting!

This is what it looked like outside around dinner got progressively harder however and when some of us went over to a friend's house later that evening the roads were TERRIBLE! When we got back home the power was off and remained so until morning! But it was beautiful nonetheless!
Here's Cal playing in the snow the next morning!

O Christmas Tree...

We went to cut down "the perfect tree" on the Saturday after Thanksgiving!

Jed...not wearing a coat. :)
Our little lumberjack.

How 'bout this one?!?!?

Sam cutting the tree down with this small audience! :) Don't worry, they got a turn too!

Putting on all the ornaments!