Saturday, July 7, 2012

Back home Indiana!

We're home!!!! We pulled into our driveway around 3:00 AM last night...or this morning. A couple of us stumbled inside, into the air conditioning that is, and crashed on the couch/big arm chair, but the rest stayed outside in the RV for the rest of the night. So we're all a little tired, Dad especially, but we are sooo glad to be home!

Thank you, Lord, for giving us safe travels!

Let's go to the movies...

...let's go see the stars!*

Ok, this is really, really late but it was one of our favorite "stops" so I wanted to share it with you all! Hollywood, California!
We got horribly stuck in traffic while trying to see the Hollywood sign; it turns out there was a bike race going on and everything was blocked of...not good news if you're in a big RV! :)
Grauman's theater was one of my absolute favorite stops!

Julie Andrews: one of my favorite actresses.
 "The guys" (Ben, Abe, Ike, and Sam) next to Dick Van Dyke's prints! We are HUGE fans of his show!
 Roy Rogers and Trigger! :)

*Who knows what movie that song is from???