Saturday, December 29, 2012

Snowed In!

While we were at Grandma and Grandpa's house after Christmas, the big blizzard came through. We didn't actually get the main brunt of it, but we did get about 8 inches. Which, of course, meant we couldn't go anywhere all day, as the roads weren't plowed and it was pretty windy for a while. We kept fairly busy though, as you can see!
Cal and Jed playing in the snow later in the day.
 Cal assembling the new Lego pirate ship he got from Aunt Roxy...with a little help from Sam...and Dad. 
 Maggie sewing away on her TINY sewing machine that came with her new fashion design kit, also a gift from Aunt Roxy!
I think Jed's hat is a little crooked...don't you? :)

Christmas at Aunt Roxy and Uncle Chuck's!

One of my favorite things we do at Christmas time is going to Aunt Roxy and Uncle Chuck's house on Christmas Day! We've been going there for as long as I can remember but it's always so much fun! We didn't get many pictures this year, but here are a few!
 All the little kids watching each other open presents.
One excited little boy (Cal) holding up his new Lego pirate ship set! 
This was about the only safe place for Uncle Vedder and Grandpa to sit during the nerfgun war...which was awesome, hilarious, and dangerous all at the same time. :)
Mmmm!!! All the goodies Aunt Roxy had for dessert! 
Note: Those petit fours are AMAZING!!!!

Merry Christmas from the Wilson family!

Our traditional Christmas morning shot! :)

Christmas at Grammy and Granddad's!

In short...Christmas at Grammy and Granddad's is always fun-filled, treat-filled, noise-filled...and a BLAST! This year, there was actually snow on the ground...enough for sledding, so all the kids put on their snow gear and sledded---for hours!!! Most of the boys also received an airsoft gun from Grammy and Granddad, which they used for...hours! :)
Lots of excited boys before opening gifts.
Jed trying out his new bouncy toy.
 After all the younger kids had opened their gifts, they went upstairs to try out toys, make crafts, and assemble airsoft guns while the older teenagers and adults opened presents. Here's Jed coloring his cardboard, decorate-your-own armor. 
And here's Maggie painting her stackable, Russian dolls. She did a great job, too! :)
Kate and Sarah!
 Playing Stratego later that day.
Grammy with her new scarf and earrings! Thanks for everything!!!! 

Sunday, December 16, 2012

ChRiStMas DoiNGs

One of my favorite parts of the Christmas season is simply all the traditions our family has made over the years. Advent nights, "the first snow", and sleeping "under" the Christmas tree after watching our favorite Christmas movie, The Polar Express, are just a few! Here are a few pictures of the special things we've done this year.  
 Ben, Sam, Mom, and I went to Newsong's Very Merry Christmas Concert! Not really a tradition, but hey! it was still fun and Christmasy! :)
Now this one IS a tradition! On the night of the first snow (or first GOOD snow), our family always eats at Long John Silver's. Here are Cal, Jed, and Maggie being silly (naturally!). 
Every year since I was around 5 (probably), Mom has taken me to see a play around Christmas time. This was Maggie's third year coming along with us. 
The play this year: Miricle on 34th Street.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Because SOME people didn't believe me... :)

Ok, a certain younger cousin of mine who shall remain nameless for the moment :) asked for proof that our tree looks better now than it did when we cut it down. Here you go, Andrew! :)
We took this the night we decorated it, so it was still in the "refining" stages! :)

P.S. Can you believe it's only 12 more days until Christmas?!?!?!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

"For Unto You Is Born This Day...A Savior!"

Last weekend I was able to help out with the Holy Walk in Bremen, Indiana. The Holy Walk is basically just a live, walk-through Nativity that's outdoors. In all, about 4,400 people walked through in two LATE nights. There were over 300 villagers (like me), guides, Roman soldiers, bus drivers, etc., 350 dozen cookies, 70 lanterns, 400 pathway lights, dozens of animals, and just over a mile's worth of ground. It was a blast and it was awesome to be part of such a great ministry! 
I worked in the "poultry" tent with my friend, Maddie (middle), and a few other friends of hers, along with several other girls. :) It's normally freezing cold and that's why we are all so "bundled up"...which made it a little uncomfortable when the second night wasn't supposed to go below 52 degrees (which I heard AFTER I was all ready). :)

If you'd like to learn more about the Holy Walk, click here: Bremen Holy Walk

The "Perfect" Christmas Tree!

Well, our family tradition of getting our Christmas tree the weekend after Thanksgiving turned out a little different this year. In the past, we have gone to a place nearby that has the "cut your own" variety, but unfortunately they closed that section after a bad year. The other place we've gone to is pretty far away and since we were already in Warsaw, we decided to try a new place that Mom suggested. :) Well...we definitely didn't have much discussion (read "arguing") this year...there was only one option! The tree lot consisted of one decent-sized tree and a whole bunch that were 5' and shorter or only partly there! :) Ahh, Christmas memories, right???
Anyway, it turned out to be you can tell by our expressions in this picture, and the tree looks beautiful, as that it's loaded with lights and ornaments. :)