Saturday, August 27, 2011

Maranatha Bible Camp

Over the past week, we have been at Maranatha Bible Camp for the homeschool week! It was a blast! The camp was right on Lake Michigan and so we got to spend a lot of time in the water and pool. The weather was beautiful all but 1 or 2 days! Dad was speaking there along with Israel Wayne (his teen workshops were awesome!!!) and Jay and Heidi Saint John.

Here are some pictures!

Cal being silly! :)
Sorry that the colors aren't very good but I still thought it was a cool picture!

The beach...and sea gulls.


We spent a lot of time in the Sweet Shop! :) They gave us a card so that we got everything free...I think we kind of took advantage of it!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Happy Birthday Mom!!!

For Mom's birthday we went to the Jefferson Point outdoor shopping mall!

Happy birthday!!!
A picture of Mom's cookie cake...the edges got a little smooshed on the way. :)

I just thought this picture was cute!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Arrgh! Let's find 'me treasure!

Earlier this summer, we had a treasure hunt for Cal and Jed! They loved it! And Cal was talking about it for several days afterwards!

Cap'n Cal reading the treasure map.
First mate Jed

The treasure: CANDY!

Unfortunately the box got a little torn up by the shovel. :)

Happy 18th Birthday Ben!!!

Happy Birthday!!!!

Sorry, this is extremely late, his birthday was actually July 13th. I know, I know, that's how late I am. :(

The favorite gift by far! An old civil war newspaper! It mentions different battles and even General Lee in there!
The classic shot, blowing out the candles!

Ben doesn't like cake so instead, I made him a cookie cake!