Saturday, August 27, 2011

Maranatha Bible Camp

Over the past week, we have been at Maranatha Bible Camp for the homeschool week! It was a blast! The camp was right on Lake Michigan and so we got to spend a lot of time in the water and pool. The weather was beautiful all but 1 or 2 days! Dad was speaking there along with Israel Wayne (his teen workshops were awesome!!!) and Jay and Heidi Saint John.

Here are some pictures!

Cal being silly! :)
Sorry that the colors aren't very good but I still thought it was a cool picture!

The beach...and sea gulls.


We spent a lot of time in the Sweet Shop! :) They gave us a card so that we got everything free...I think we kind of took advantage of it!


  1. Hey Kat, It was so fun seeing you at the camp on Thursday! What a beautiful place! Maybe we'll get to see you again before you go to Lake Freeman - the kids and I are coming (to Lake Wawasee) early for Labor Day but I know you'll all be busy since you're in between trips, etc. - we'll see. Love you, Aunt Gail

  2. Okay, I just figured out how to not be "anonymous!" ha! Aunt Gail

  3. We had fun seeing you all too! Haha, great job!!! :)

    Oh, by the way, what model is your camera?

  4. Looks like you all had fun!
