Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Cake Decorating 101!

Over the last 8 weeks, the gal who works for us, has been giving me and 3 of my friends cake decorating classes; here are some pictures of our cakes on the last lesson! We had so much fun and definitely learned a ton!!!
This is Hannah's cake...


Sunday, September 26, 2010

Field Day!!!

The Annual Home-schoolers Field Day was held Saturday and this was our 3rd year to go. It was FREEZING cold out!!!! My friend and I walked around huddled under a blanket all morning, it was so cold!
Here's Maggie running one of her races!
The first year we did field day, Ike and I won the 3-legged race by far. Then the 2nd year, our friends beat us, so this year was the tie-breaker. This picture is of Ike and I WINNING...right before we fell. Oh-well.
The last event of the day is always tug-o-war! Here is the younger girls against the younger boys! The girls won!!! Although they did have 11 year olds whereas the boys only went up to 10 year olds.
And here's the older girls and some Mom's against the older boys...can you guess who won???

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Johnny Appleseed Festival

This is the first time in a couple years that we have been able to go to the Johnny Appleseed Festival, they have all sorts of artisans, singing, merchandise, and all kinds of stuff! It was so much fun! This year Ben was working for some vender friends at a small convention so he didn't get to come but we took their youngest three kids with us for the day.
Taking a rest while Dad went back to the van to get lunch.
One of the first booths we stopped at was the broom makers. And he let us make two brushes for free!
Here's Abe working on it and pulling really hard!
Johnny Appleseed's grave.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Lake Geneva Family Camp

Dad was invited to speak at Lake Geneva Family Camp, here are some pictures!

The big attraction at Lake Geneva was "The Screamer"! A humongous swing!
The last night there, they had a Firetruck show. It was really neat!
Here's Maggie in an Ambulance they brought.
One of the Fire Trucks.
Sam was the only one that got to go "Banana Boating!"
The "Black Banana" Slip n' Slide. It was pretty cool out, so I didn't do it. But it looked like a lot of fun!
Sam in the "Bunker" for paint-ball!
They also had an awesome rock climbing wall!
Hang'n out in the coffee shop!
They had the best Nature Center ever! You could basically do whatever you wanted there! They let you take out almost any of the animals!
Ike with "Rosy" the Tarantula! YUCK!
Maggie with one of the "Bunny's".
Abe with Ace the bird on his head!
Ike with his dream "Fluffy" the Boa Constrictor!
He had that snake wrapped around him the entire weekend!
(well...not quite)

The Fort Builders Are Back

Ike, Abe, and Maggie covered in mud in their "Log Cabin"!

Friday, September 3, 2010


When we were at Harvey Ceders Bible Camp, Ben sprained his ankle while playing! This is what it looked like in the Emergency Room. But we were really glad it wasn't a break and just a sprain! He walked a little bit on it yesterday but is mostly using crutches.

Jed n' Cal

I just thought this was a really cute picture of them looking at I Spy books together!