Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Our little pirate boys!

Cal and Jed have been dressing up as pirates lately and love having their faces painted to complete the look!

Cal certainly got a pretty good expression I think! :)

Happy 3rd Birthday Jed!

Sorry, these pictures are LONG over due, Jed's actual birthday was on the 15th.
The birthday boy, ready and waiting to open presents!
Blowin' out the candles!
Jed and I with his mc-guitar cake as he called it! He is very musical and really liked his cake!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Walkin' in a Winter Wonderland...

We got like 3-4 inches of snow yesterday!!! Here's what it looks like:

I love snows that stick to everything!!!

P.S. These pictures were taken with my new camera I got for Christmas!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Celebrating Christmas with Grandma and Grandpa Brocker!

The big gift: A Horse that the little kids can sit on!!!
I love this picture, Cal is definitely our little cowboy!

Christmas at Aunt Roxy's!!!!

Christmas at Aunt Roxy's and Uncle Chuck's (The Morgans) house is always one of our favorites! Aunt Roxy always makes everything so festive!!! Here are just some shots of everyone!


Christmas Morning!!!!

The traditional picture in front of the tree before opening presents! Maggie isn't in it because she wasn't feeling well, and Jed is holding his neck/head because he injured it and had a slight concussion the night before! We had a slightly hectic Christmas Eve! :)
Cal with his new desk!
Ike in his new Despicable Me outfit he had been wanting REALLY bad!
Cowboy Jed!
Maggie with her Princess Belle doll gown!